Mittwoch, 3. November 2010


So, opening a blog worked out quite well. At least for a day.
I had a fairly solid session on tuesday, however, today was a disaster. I managed to quit only 1 stack below my stoploss (lol) and I'm gonna nit it up even more and set my stoploss at three stacks now. I know it's silly but I'm just playing so ridiculously bad when chasing losses.
I won't even go into details, but I spewed off buyins left and right, knowing I was making mistakes but making them anywas. Really dunno what to do against that sort of tilt. Whenever the session is over I will realize that I've just tilted and promise never to do it again - that happened at least 5 times in the last two months.
I think I might need to apply an even more drastic approach, e.g. quitting whenever I only feel the slightest doubt I might not be playing my A-Game, but then again, it's really hard to admit that to oneself.
Anyways, stay tuned!

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